Hello! Here's a few Heads up Before you Take a step Into my World!

⭒ This site Was Sluggishly coded on My beloved School computer, And will Look its best on A 1366 x 768 Screen ... Do not Be Saddened If you do Not possess This Screen resolution , All is Well ^_^ Adjust a Few things if You'd like !!!!! ⭒

⭒ This site Also holds Images and Gifs that May prove to be Dangerous to those Sensitive to Bright colors, Flashing lights, And the Like . Do be Cautious! ⭒

⭒ The use of Javascript and Iframes are Present here ... If you Have them Disabled, Please turn Them on OR ELSE THINGS WILL LOOK BAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ahem . Thank you ⭒

⭒ This is NOT optimized For mobile!!!!! If you Are a mobile Warrior and you Visit my site And something Looks OFF, do not Look at meeeeeeeeeee OKAY?

⭒ It is Important to Keep in mind That this is MY WEBSITE, Meaning any Traces of Eccentricity or Weirdness is NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ⭒

And with All that Out of the Way, You are Ready to take a Step inside!

⭒ Proceed! ⭒

Bobblehead Bunny