⭒ Hello! ⭒


My name is Riqo! I was Put onto this Earth Seventeen years ago With one Objective assigned to me: To draw Cute girls. I am a Lover of Art, Napping, and Weird, Esoteric video games. My gender is a Big Mystery, only to be Solved by the most Hard-boiled of Detectives ... (You can Refer 2 me with whatever LOL!!!!!) I am also Known by several other Aliases such as Riqochet, Ricochette, Urotsukifan, Nasunikki, Yumenikkifan4ever, Phightingyuri4ever, and so on ... The name "Riqo" derives from a Character in Brawl Stars called "Rico" (AKA Ricochet) ... He is not even My favorite Brawler and I also play Him once in a Blue moon BUT! I still think He is cool LOL!!!! I Believe in the PLUR lifestyle ... Peace Love Unity and Respect all the way!!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡☺☺☺☺⭒⭒⭒⭒

This is how I look like, this is how my Best Friend looks like, This is where I live, and This is my room!

My favorite Things to do ever Are to Draw, play Video Games, talk with My Friends, Chill, Have Fun, Smile, Snooze, Sleep, Nap, Dream, Think, be Normal, be a Sleepyhead, do Absolutely nothing at All, Appreciate this Lovely World, and take Things Easy. I am an Angel IRL and i have to Snooze and Sleep and Nap lots and lots Everyday or else my Heavenly aura will go Away -_- ZZZzzzzz


⭒ Favorites ⭒

Ice Cream Flavors: Pistachio and Bubblegum

Seasons: Spring and Winter

Fruits: Apples, Oranges, Mangoes, Guavas, Dragonfruit, Green Grapes

Colors: Purple, Red, and pretty much Everything else ROFL!

Instruments: Theremin, Cristal Baschet, Saw, and the Piano

Animals: Owls, Doves, Bunnies, Transmission Towers, and Fracking Machines

Beanie Babies: Tiptoe and Magic the Dragon

Days: Saturday or Sunday

Type of Day: Cloudy days or Rainy days

Playground Sector: Swings

Shape: Icosahedron

Platonic Solid: Icosahedron

Paradox: Ship of Theseus

Oxymoron: Jumbo Shrimp

Palindrome: Do geese see god?

Symbols: Stars, Spirals, Venus, Ankh, Ouroboros, and the Staurogram

Emoticons: ^_^ , O_o , and @_@

Words: Lovely, Wonderful, Phenomenal, Profound, Visceral, Divine, Sluggish, Predicament, Angel, Mercy, Dizzy, Daze, Star, Grand, Dreamy, Rapscallion, Whippersnapper, Rubicon, Hope, Faith, and many More!!!!!!!


I think Apple Juice and Orange Juice are to be equally Loved on this Beautiful Earth. I believe Wasps, Bees, Roaches, Sharks, Math, and Raisin Oatmeal Cookies should be Appreciated more. My birthday is February 1st, which makes me an Aquarius. For those not Familiar with Astrology, this means that I love To drink Water lots and lots. My Angel Number is 444 ... It belongs to an Important Certain Someone ☺☺☺☺



⭒ Extra ⭒


What Flavour Are You? I am a subtle taste, like Pine.I am a subtle taste, like Pine.

I am a quiet, fresh taste, almost more of a scent than a flavour. You will be aware of me, but not quite remember me without being reminded. Not that I'm boring; on the contrary, I'm just a little outside the ordinary. What Flavour Are You?


⭒ Favorite Characters ⭒

I consider my Favorite characters as a Part of me, so That is why they Are here! ^_^


⭒ Urotsuki - Yume 2kki ⭒

Oh how I love Urotsuki!!!!! But Riqo, Why do you Love Urotsuki so much?!?!?!?! Well, as the Protagonist of a Big collaborative Work, Uro doesn't have Any dialogue, no Specific character Traits, or anything That really defines a Fixed sort of Character. What does this Mean then? I CAN IMAGINE HER HOWEVER I WANT!!!!!! I like to think Of her as More of a Silly dreamer, as there Are handfuls of Lighthearted and Absurd dreams in 2kki! She is also Undeniably cool. Madotsuki from the original Yume Nikki Rode a bike, wielded a Knife, and turned into a Little kitty cat When she wanted to. Uro on the other Hand has a COOL MOTORBIKE that she can Do a WHEELIE on, wields a CHAINSAW, and can turn into a FREAKING WOLF!!!!! Better yet, She can combine both the Bike effect and Wolf effect to ride In a stylishly Cool manner. Isn't that Awesome!?!?!?!?!?!?

I am also a Big fan of her design ... She is the Character I Have doodled and Drawn the most LOL!!!!


⭒ Nashatra Bealdhild - Dream Game ⭒

Nashatra ... 9th century Sleepwalker ... Skilled Piehiker ... PSY Wielder ... Follower of Josafá ... Bears a bit of Internal torture ... There are many Reasons as to why I Love Nash! Although Dream Game is in an Unfinished state currently, We can get a Good gauge of Her personality, Her beliefs, and her Story. She lived a Relatively normal life before Taking up her role as a Sleepwalker, and this alone Sticks with her Throughout her journey ... She finds "pain in looking back" because she Left a lot behind. Umm anyways on a Lighter note she can be quite Mischevious too!!!!! She Giggles a tiny bit when Spraypainting certain things Among certain dreams, and also When she Vandalized the avatar Of an AFK User during the Ghosts Re-Emerge quest LOL!!! She once Put a bucket on the Head of her dear Friend Eunoia too!!!!!! Silly Nash!!! Anyways ... There is lots of Room to emphasize with Her ... She has such a Huge role to Manage in the Midst of a war but she just Really misses her Normal life with her Friends, Acquaintances, and her Home. And even if She were to Fulfill her duties, she finds Sadness in how she Would not be Remembered as an Individual, but as an Embodiment of the Role she Took ... In her own Words, "I will be remembered as Sleepwalker, and not as Nashatra." I find a Lot of interest in the Journey she has Throughout the game, and how Her various Experiences will eventually Lead to how it is Finished off. I mean, she Only pursued Her role for about a Month before Dying on her own Terms T_T ... There are many Ideas shown in her Story that I find Quite intruiging ... They make me Think a LOT andddd I LOVE thinking about Lots of things!!!!!!

Also, one early Iteration of Nash depicted her as an Arcabucero angel who aided Other people in their Dreams ... Although this isn't a part of her Character now, I thought it Was worth Pointing out cuz i Love angelics and Nash was once Considered angelic!!! WOW!!!


⭒ Phosphophyllite - Houseki No Kuni ⭒

Oh Phos ... Ohhh Phos ... How Sad your Story is ... OK well I cant spoil the entirety Of HNK here but Let's just say Phos' evolution throughout the Story had me looking Like THIS -> O_O ... HNK as a whole Shares a narrative that has me THINK A LOT!!!! It's Super Interesting but at the Same time SUPER SAD and Unfortunately Phos is Like a vessel To all these events WAIT thats kinda Spoilers ummmmmm Anyways . I am Just A big fan Of How they changed Throughout the Story, both Physically and Mentally. Heartwrenching Stuff they had To go through, but it Makes for some INTERESTING things to Consider! Anyways, Phos is quite Literally a living Gemstone, which means They are agender, As most other Characters in the Story are as Well! Isn't THAT cool?!?!?


⭒ Minnatsuki - Collective Unconscious ⭒

Minnatsuki too is the Protagonist of a collaborative work, So I like her For pretty similar Reasons As I do for Uro! I also envision Minna to Be quite silly, but Easy-going as well Since many of The dreams in Her game Are Soothing and Serene. Minna is Very cute with her Rat effect, but also Bears some coolness with the Soulfire effect!!!! Like instead of Stabbing characters or Shredding them she just BURNS them with the Single raising of an Arm ... WTF COOL!!!!!!!!


⭒ Lily White - Touhou ⭒

Lily White unfortunately Does not show Up much in Touhou media and Even when she Does, it Is usually short Or simple. But that Doesn't stop Me from loving her!!!!!! When I was first Reading Strange and Bright Nature Deity and she Showed up I was like OMGGGGGGG CUTE ^_^! She Is literally a Fairy who is the Herald of Spring ... and She is always Shown so joyous Announcing the start Of spring like CMONNNNNN That is so awesome I need to be As joyous as Her too!!!!!


⭒ Marisa Kirisame - Touhou ⭒

Marisa is definitely One of the Most recognizable Touhou characters EVER!!!!!! Most everyone Loves her, and for Good reason ... She is Just super cool And Charismatic!!!!!!! Her design ... It is simple Yet so Iconic ... I am a BIG fan of Her Frilly, floppy hat Especially! Her Personality is Often depicted as Outgoing and Mischevious, and She likes to collect Things (AND ALSO STEAL ROFL)!!! Also her Spell card, Master Spark, will always Be awesome To me. Big Starry laser be upon Ye!!!!!!


⭒ Koishi Komeiji - Touhou ⭒

Koishi's story about How she closed her Third Eye in order to Not be hated as a Satori will ALWAYS be one Of the more interesting Things in Touhou to me ... The way her Third Eye is incorporated into her Design is also Something I am fond of. It's all Swirly and Cute but also Just a Tiny bit unsettling But that is a Koishi thing. One of the Things that made her More popular As a character Were her depictions As being Creepy and Unnerving, such as How she is portrayed in Koishi Komeiji's Heart-Throbbing Adventure! I was Wary of this at First, but It has grown On me cuz She gets some REALLY awesome Fanart for it!!!!! Whether Shown as Creepy or not, I will always Love Koishi ^.^


⭒ Gray - Brawl Stars ⭒

"Gray styles himself as a character in an old silent film. He takes the act seriously but sometimes forgets to keep his mouth shut when doing finger bullets."

Ever since Gray was revealed In his introductory Brawl Talk, I HAVE BEEN A FAN!!!!!!! First of all, His design IS SO GOOD!!!!! He is all Monochrome because he Is quite literally a Silent film actor, and I find his Outfit quite stylish. OMG and While most other Characters in Brawl Stars are Fully voice acted (Save for a few Others), Gray appears To be silent for OBVIOUS REASONS except ........ THAT IS A LIE!!!! When He attacks ingame, He shoots an Imaginary Finger bullet, but While he is Firing it he makes a "Pew" sound with His own voice And it is just SO SILLY!!!! It's one of My favorite Things about Him ^_^. Speaking Of his ingame Kit, he also Has a walking Cane that he can Grab people With and He also Has the ability to Summon a Grand piano from the Sky to fall Onto enemies LOL!!!! He is the First ever Brawler I got to Max mastery too, he is Quite fun to Play! Really love this Guy!!!!!!


⭒ Edgar - Brawl Stars ⭒

"Edgar believes nobody understands him. Certainly not his mom, who thinks he's going through a phase. Only he knows the darkness in his soul is eternal."

WOW what a Telling description!!!! As seen With both this And also By his design, Edgar is the Edgy teenager of Brawl stars! Fun fact When he was First revealed in his Introductory Brawl Talk I did NOT like Him because I was like Cmon they just Added an Edgy teenager in Game likkeee THATS IT?????? BOOOOOORINNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! BUT DO NOT WORRY I am a changed Man now . Edgar has REALLY grown On me since LOL! Well what makes Him so cool then? His LACK of COOLNESS, actually. This guy Is so lame You will Roll your Eyes .............. FIRST OF ALL he Tries to put On this Cool front but when He uses His Vaulting ability Ingame He starts SCREAMING all Scared like OMGGGGG HOW LAME!!!!!!! He doesn't Even throw Punches its all the Work of His scarf Which for some reason Mimics his Movements and Stuff. Did I mention he Is a minimum Wage worker too?!!??!!? He works At a gift Shop but He doesn't Really like it LOL!!!!! His tips are Always stolen By his boss Too how messed Up is that?!?!!?! Anyways, Gameplay wise this Guy has gathered AN INTERESTING REPUTATION. His kit Doesn't require Much brainpower To use, you Just Spam autoaim and That's it LOL he Really is one Of the worst Brawlers in game ... The developers Have said They don't want To rework Him though because He is popular With Players who are Noobs LOL!!!!!! Edgar too is the face Of the classic Toxic Brawl Stars Player. Envision this: a kid Playing Edgar, jumping On a helpess Thrower and Spamming autoaim, Killing said thrower Then spinning As a taunt while Also Using the Thumbs Down pin. THIS is Edgar's Legacy, and it is FUNNY TO ME. I find His loser Personality kindof Endearing though and Even though i DESPISEEEEEEE playing Him because he Sucks so Much, I have him at Gold II mastery LOL?!?!?!?!


⭒ Japhet - OFF ⭒

What a Profound story OFF tells, and What a profound story this Bird has to offer!!!! Japhet was Once a very, very Kind Guardian to his People, and He gave everything In order to Have them live in Safety and Happiness! However, there was A point in which His methods of caring for His Zone started to Backfire because Since his people Were living such Peaceful lives, They began finding Even the Smallest things TERRIFYING!!! All of a Sudden they were Only occupied by Their worries and Their anxieties, and This is what drove Japhet mad ... Although he felt His people needed to be Punished for This, he still found His actions to be evil And even anticipated His own death Because of his Failure to Be a proper Guardian .....

I find His story SO SO SO SAD because Even when He was Always Providing for his People, it didn't Even work out in The end!!!!! I guess Nothing ever does In this Freaking game!!!!! That's just How OFF is I Suppose ... I am also a Big fan of His theme because I think it Perfectly encapsulates both his Power AND Divinity, being the Flaming Winged Sovereign and all!!!!


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